Find Caregivers Near you on the Provider Directory

Need a caregiver for yourself or a family member? Check out the Consumer Direct Care Network (CDCN) Provider Directory! 

The Provider Directory is a website that connects people and families who need in-home care services with caregiving professionals in their area. 

It’s as easy as…

  1. Visit the Provider Directory.
  2. Enter your zip code in the “Find Caregivers in Your Local Area” section.
  3. Search through caregiver profiles until you find someone who fits your needs.
  4. Connect with them by clicking Send Message under their profile image.

Stay in control of your care by choosing your own caregivers on the Provider Directory. 

Provider Directory Training Resources

Want help with using the CDCN Provider Directory? Click the links below to learn how to use this tool.

Training Materials for People Looking for Caregivers:

Provider Directory Brochure: Find a Caregiver Near You
A brochure about the Provider Directory.

How to Search for a Caregiver
This is for people who need to find a caregiver.

Training Materials for Caregivers Looking for Clients:

Provider Directory Brochure: Find a Client  Near You
A brochure about the Provider Directory.

How to Sign Up as a Caregiver
This is for people who want to make their caregiver account.

How to Update Your Profile
If you already have an account and want to change it, this will show you how.

How to Reactivate an Old Account
If you haven’t used your account in a long time, this will show you how to sign in again.